La idea de naturaleza en William Blake


  • Marco Trucco UNC


Blake, Aesthetics, Nature, Imagination


One of the main problems throughout the works of William Blake is how to reconcile human desire and nature, or the world of phenomena. The following paper attempts to explore how Blake achieves that reconciliation. We will describe the four psychic states that trace the path from the greatest separation between nature and desire, to their reconciliation. Those states are
Ulro, or abstraction; Generation, or experience; Beulah, or innocence; and Eden, or the plenitude of imagination.
By progressing through those states, Blake outlines a critique to technological modernity and an idea of life inseparable from the creative imagination of each individual.


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How to Cite

Trucco, M. (2022). La idea de naturaleza en William Blake. Saga. Revista De Letras, 4(16), 22–51. Retrieved from