Barrés y Maurras, lectores de Baudelaire:

nacionalismo, temporalidad y tradición clásica


  • Mariano Sverdloff Universidad de Buenos Aires. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Buenos Aires; Argentina



Baudelaire, Maurras, Barrès, Nationalism, Classical tradition


The Baudelairean heritage - understood not only as the reading of the work and the life of the author of Les Fleurs du mal, but also as its effects on the new literary generations and on cultural life in a broad sense - is a recurring topic in the reflections about literature of both Maurice Barrès and Charles Maurras. For these found-ational figures of French nationalism, Baudelaire is the expression of a «romanticism» closely linked to modernity’s «disease» and «decadence». But the name «Baudelaire» demands diverse, almost opposite positions. Baudelaire is much more than a literary reference, and becomes the trigger of all sort of considerations around classicism, romanticism, literary autonomy, the opposition nationalism /cosmopolitanism, the future of Europe, the integrity of the self and the relation between ancient and modern traditions.


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Author Biography

Mariano Sverdloff, Universidad de Buenos Aires. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Buenos Aires; Argentina



How to Cite

Sverdloff, M. . (2020). Barrés y Maurras, lectores de Baudelaire:: nacionalismo, temporalidad y tradición clásica. Saga. Revista De Letras, (8), 74–119.



Dossier: Más de 150 años de Charles Baudelaire