Michel Foucault:

biopolítica y biopoética


  • Beatriz Dávilo Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Consejo de Investigaciones de la Universidad de Rosario. Rosario; Santa Fe; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos. Entre Ríos; Argentina.




Biopolitics, Biopoetics, Governmentality


In Michel Foucault’s works, the complex inteface among life, politics and history poses a key problem that the author approached from different perspectives. In the ’70, biopolitics was one of the many strategies to analyse that link, though doubtless a fundamental one, since it meant both a shift from the point of view underlying the writings of the previous decade and a delimitation of a threshold on which Foucault would lately define the notion of ‘government’ related to the concept of ‘governmentality’. The continual gliding between the analysis of the biological life or zoe and the sense-invested life or bios –regardless the accuracy in the use of this words- evinces the modulations of a concern encompassing biopower controls such as anatomopolitics of the bodies and biopolitics of populations, and biopoetics understood as the shared work of building a qualified life or a life-style.


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Author Biography

Beatriz Dávilo, Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Consejo de Investigaciones de la Universidad de Rosario. Rosario; Santa Fe; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos. Entre Ríos; Argentina.



How to Cite

Dávilo, B. (2020). Michel Foucault: : biopolítica y biopoética. Saga. Revista De Letras, (11), 78–119. https://doi.org/10.35305/sa.vi11.79


